Today I am grateful to have the wisdom to know part of growing and part of emerging is shedding who I have been. I am releasing being small, bring a victim in the,”my”perception that someone else is to blame or shame or be responsible for my experience of my life. Being invisible crying girl. These 3 charter traits have kept me safe, protected my soul to remain whole, and allowed me to slip into and out of hiding who I really am. when I didn’t have the skills to or know how to care for stand up for or love myself. They have kept me quiet, weak and submitted to self doubt, a victim I created. These traits have been my friends. Like letting go of people I have been in the contemplation and the back and forth motion between sub conscious and Concious mind of knowing and denying them. Today I awake willing to release them completely! Today I remember and realize the pain and suffering they bring me is greater than the perceived safety, comfort and false security victimhood brings. I release the pain. The fear of releasing the pain. 
I open my heart I allow my soul to be free to be who I am authentically to share my gifts and talents with others. To be seen. I am so thankful for the process. I am so grateful I trust the process and for all the people who stand with and for me as I vulnerably see myself as human and humbly as I rise to be Noble in loving myself the whole way allowing myself to emanate & illuminate From the inside out. 
